
Let’s get down to business: I’ve had a pretty good week.

This week I was featured on (as the subject, not the writer), and penned articles for Clutch, XOJane, theRoot, and Take Part about racism, web series, DL Hughley’s sexism, and prison.

In addition to that I added a GRIP of words to my novel-in-progress, Two Steps Backs, the follow up to my baby Turn It Loose, and I netted another print assignment and a possible somewhat regular writing gig with another outlet.

It’s been a hell of a week, and now I’m feeling a little scared.

Why? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Around two weeks ago I bought this book titled Ask & It’s Given which feels a little bit like I’m fooling with hoodoo, or at least that stuff D’Angelo’s been on.

The book is all about the Law of Attraction and manifesting and focusing your thoughts on what you want instead of what you don’t. Since purchasing it, I’ve been trying like hell to stay positive because, what’s the alternative?

But yo, I’ve certainly been tested.

Last week I finally broke down and looked into some school options for Le Kid. We’ve been homeschooling for the past two years, but I’m under the sinking suspicion that he may be dyslexic. And if my suspicions are true, he needs a lot more patience and help that I can give him at home.

At first I felt like a bit of a failure. After all, parents wants their kid to be perfectly perfect in every way and I’ve been fighting it out with my family about my decision to homeschool in the first place. But when your kid needs help, your kid needs help—ego be dammed.

In my quest to find a suitable option for him, I toured this AH-MAY-ZING school that had a very small student to teacher ratio, ample resources, and state-of-the-art facilities. In short, the school was DOPE. It’s also very, very expensive. Like $52,000 a year expensive (dude…I know!). When the woman told me the price of the yearly tuition I didn’t bat an eye, but on the inside I was channeling allllllll of my positive thoughts and juju  in the hopes that an extra $52,000 will appear in my account PRONTO.

When I got home I asked God to please, please, please increase my income via more opportunities and He delivered.

And now, as I’m pushing up against my own deadline (to finish this book) and my professional deadlines (to deliver as many articles as I can across every outlet that pays), I’m wondering if I should have been a little more specific.

Like, Dear God, let me just win the lotto--kinda specific.

Though I’m grateful for every single thing, I’m wondering how long I can keep up this pace—i.e. sitting in front of my computer for more hours than I should and watching my waistline slowly expand—before I start to go a little batty.

Of course, this week could have been an aberration. It could be one of those rare weeks when I’m on—like back when the October issue of Essence dropped, I released Turn It Loose, and rolled out The Write Pitch all at once. Or, and suspect this might just be the case, it’s my new normal because I asked God for more and He came through (thank you!).

So here’s my advice to you: Be very, very clear about what you want God/the Universe to do in your life because He delivers—whether you’re ready or not.

A while ago I learned not to pray for patience, because, yeah, it never goes well. And now I’m learning to be crystal clear about my asks because turning into the journalistic equivalent of the Hustle Man ain’t really sustainable either.

So while you’re praying and wishing and goal digging, be sure you’re ready—or at least thinking about—how to handle it all when the ish comes through. Because if you slip into overwhelm and blow the opportunities God sends you, it may be a while before you get another chance.