Pop culture, politics, travel, entrepreneurship, motherhood and following your goals? Yup, I've got A LOT to say.

Check out the latest from my blog:

Are You Up For the #BlackFridayChallenge?

Let's face it, deadlines work. As a dyed-in-the-wool procrastinator, one of the only things that helps me get things done is a looming deadline. It's how I'm able to be an effective freelancer (I don't want my editors to think I'm a flake), it's how I finally started...

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Why I Admire Sex Workers

Let me preface this by saying that I'm referring to sex workers who CHOOSE that line of work. I'm not talking about underage girls, people forced into the sex trade, or any other nefarious thing. Cool? Cool. I admire sex workers for the same reason I admire Diddy and...

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The Side of Africa You NEVER See

I belong to a slew of Facebook groups, a few of which are travel related. One group, Rare Customs, is planning a trip to Kenya early next year, and like a woman struck by a sudden and permanent case of wanderlust, I WANT TO GO. Like...badly. *long heavy sigh* Truth...

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