I'm a journalist, editor, and novelist who is passionate about telling dope stories.


I’m a sucker for happy endings, so I write them! I’m the author of several books, including the popular new adult novel When You’re Ready. Love fun + flirty books? Then I’ve definitely got something for you.


britni danielle

Since 2009, I’ve been putting in work! I’ve penned feature articles, cover stories, and celebrity interviews for most of your favorite publications, including EBONY, ESSENCE, TakePart, Vibe, Teen Vogue, and Heart & Soul.


britni danielle

For me, life ain’t all words and rainbows; I deal with real life ish. From my favorite TV shows, travel and raising my son solo, to entrepreneurship and trying live a healthier life, I write about it all.

Read the latest from Britni's blog:

10 Quotes to Get You Through the Tough Times

While chatting with one of the members of my #GOALdiggers Facebook group the other day she asked me how I managed to stay so positive. Despite the fact that her blog was having one of the best traffic months ever, she was a little down because she hadn’t heard back...

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Is Your Mindset Keeping Your Poor?

Over the weekend I was poking around on Penelope Trunk’s wonderful homeschooling blog when I came across one of her posts from September titled, “Back-to-school time is for poor kids.” The title immediately caught me off guard, because like millions of people, I...

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